Technical Drawings
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No need for external concrete to reinforce. The rib structure, developed in collaboration with the University of Zaragoza, shifted the soil pressure to the perimeter of the access chamber, where its strength lies. Tests performed in prestigious laboratories show that the Hidrostank access chamber, both in simple (up to 68 × 68 cm) and its armed model, perfectly stands the passing of vehicles.

40 Tn Test 11062012
Easy, fast and secure installation.

On the one hand, the lightness and the modularity of the Hidrostank chamber facilitates transport from factory to work as well as inside the civil work. On the other hand, manual handling without crane… speed installation un very much. The inlets are made very easily, and can be done on site without any condition at the execution place. This way of customizing the inlets in situ avoid the manual works required in traditional systems (breaking a Premark window, plastering…) All this makes the civil construction much faster than against the traditional concrete chambers.
Also, its quick and easy installation without cranes or heavy machinery minimize the risk of accidents that handling can cause in case of heavy chambers..

The modularity of the chamber allows an easy assembling of Hidrostank access chamber, with the dimensions required for each project. It’s very easy to increase its height ,with additional modules.
Quality finish

The injection manufacturing process ensures high quality and uniformity of the chambers, reducing the influence of the human factor in the execution of them.
Also, the easy realization of the inlets, the possible use of rubber sealing joints… enable a quality finish, which avoids having to do the required plastering of traditional systems.
Hidrostank also offers the possibility of other finishes (plastic profiles for cable wiring, siphons, half-pipes…) that add value to the installer.
100% recycled and recyclable material

Hidrostank contributes its bit proposing using your 100% recycled plastic access chamber, which, besides its construction advantages (high strength, modularity and easy installation), promote more sustainable development.

A pesar del histórico vacío normativo existente para este tipo de productos, quince años después de su creación, la arqueta desmontable modular HIDROSTANK cuenta con importantes certificados y homologaciones de administraciones y empresas tanto nacionales como internacionales que han visto en esta alternativa a las arqueta tradicionales de hormigón y ladrillo la manera de agilizar la ejecución de sus canalizaciones mejorando la calidad de sus acabados.

Su transporte dentro de la obra, su fácil y rápida instalación sin necesidad de grúa, camión-pluma…, la fácil manera de acometer (evitándose el tradicional enfoscado, recibir los tubos…) reducen tanto el tiempo de ejecución como la mano de obra necesaria. Este ahorro de tiempo, maquinaria y mano de obra hacen de la arqueta Hidrostank una alternativa muy rentable frente a unos sistemas tradicionales.
The effective alternative
The modular HIDROSTANK access chamber emerged from the interest in developing a solution that would join the strength of traditional chambers (concrete, brick …) with the easy handling, versatility and quality of finish that offer plastic products.
From studies in collaboration with the Department of Plastic Materials, University of Zaragoza, was born the self- resistant reinforced polypropylene HIDROSTANK access chamber.
The HIDROSTANK chamber has become an effective alternative for all applications:
- Electrical and Telecommunications Pipelines
- Hydraulic Pipes (rainwater, sewage, water supply…)
- Gas pipelines…
optimizing work performance significantly.
During this time HIDROSTANK has been working both nationally and internationally, with different administrations, engineering, construction groups… that have trusted our products for their different projects:
- Infrastructure: highways, roads, airports, railways / trams…
- Housing and industrial developments…
- Photovoltaic/ thermo-solar
- Drainage and sewage